AgentPay v1.0 – PayMoney Agent Addon & Mobile App

AgentPay is a straightforward, quick, secure, and moment multi-wallet cashin and cashout stage that permits PayMoney Specialists to trade out to and cash out from client wallets.
Managers add specialists to the framework, and the specialists are given a different board to get to the applications.
Administrator sets exchange charges and specialist commissions with the end goal that for every specialist exchange, the administrator gets exchange expenses and the specialist gets commission. This permits both the manager and the specialist to acquire.
Once at an approved specialist, the client can surrender the ideal measure of money they wish to store into their PayMoney wallet. The specialist will then deal with the exchange and credit the comparing sum into the client’s PayMoney wallet.
The client illuminates the specialist that they wish to go through with a money out exchange. The specialist finishes the cashout of the predetermined money from the client’s PayMoney wallet and hand over want add up to the client In real money.